"Unlocking NEET Success: The Power of Self-Learning"


Understanding the Challenge

In 2024, almost 24 lakh students appeared for NEET2024 examination, competing for 52,778 MBBS medical seats. That means only 1 out 48 students have chance to fulfil their dream of becoming MBBS which is only 2 percent. The competition is steep and cutthroat in general category section. Students are securing 720/720, thus admission to MBBS are closing at 560/720 score for general category.

The Pressure of Performance

This situation is a very grappling and this Hyper competitive condition are pushed students to depression and other psychological disorder like suicidal thought ultimately leading to their demise. 57 per 1,00,000 students committed suicide which is horrifying fact. The main factor is over- dependency on coaching, absence of self-learning techniques and methods.

The Importance of Self-Learning

Enrolling for class does not guarantee success. Contribution of coaching class is not more than 25%, the rest lies on your learning, revision and honing test taking skill. This is because nature of the NEET examination. NEET is like a rapid-fire challenge, where each question demands a response in less than a minute. Thus, while understanding concepts is crucial, so is the ability to analyze which concept applies and recall facts swiftly during the exam.


If you analyze 12 years’ previous question paper, you may realize that NEET exam do not demand deeper knowledge as IIT exam. You must have good foundation of concept and ability to quickly recall of facts and interconnected facts. If you study any statement and can understand its inferred, implied and converse meaning, then you can solve Match the following, statements based and assertion and reasoning question.  Good foundation of knowledge can be given by your schoolteachers.


A Proven Method: Layer Learning Technique

So in order to succeed in NEET, you need to stipulate more time to self-learning along with school teaching.

Herewith we suggest a scientifically proven method of self-learning which can be followed by all the students. This is called layer learning technique.

 In this we divide our learning in multiple level as follows:

Level 1: Priming or pre reading

Priming is a pre-reading method where students quickly review the information they are about to study. Before attending your school lecture, you must have bird view about the topic. With pre reading, students can learn concepts more efficiently, reducing their overall learning time by 30%. After priming, read your textbook lessons for 2 times consecutively.

Level 2: simplifying textbook

When you read you lesson for 3rd time, try to write down in your own word and language what you have understood from the paragraph. Notes should consist of your own understanding of the lesson, important diagrams, tables and formulae. This helps to connect the data with concepts.

Level 3: Question and answer format notes.

One cannot deny the importance of school exam and board exam. Only by preparing for your board examination, one can 420/720 in NEET exam. Thus, notes should be prepared in question-and-answer format. The reason of such mediocre score is student’s inability to recall facts and interconnected facts quickly during such time pressure exam and thus able to attempt lesser questions.

Therefore, further mentioned steps need to be followed to improve score from 420 to 700+

Level 4: Exemplar question and NEET notes

Exemplar questions published by NCERT help to strengthen you knowledge to level required for NEET examination.
NEET requires fast recall of facts and interconnected facts for which one should develop one mind map for one chapter. Along with mind map, important diagram and its implied information should also be included.  This will enhance your marks in chemistry and biology
For physics, one has to draw flow chart connecting different concept which are interdependent example force is related to types of force [ electric, contact and gravitation], work, energy and power, oscillation. Such elaborate flowchart with standard formulas paves the way of cracking physics problems.
This level needs to be revise and by hearted multiple times. Rote learning can be applied but it has limitation. To explore more techniques and method for memorization, click on the link given below.


Level 5: Practice Mcqs

Level 4 and level 5 is to be done simultaneously. NEET notes can be enhanced and improvised by practicing NEET level mcqs. This will highlight your strength and weakness and improve your preparation. 
Appearing for this test series will help you to cope with nervousness and stress that comes with time pressure and can help reduces error.
Once you have practiced mcqs and given test, one must analyze their errors, mistake and solve and practice unattended question of test. All such mistake should be noted in the error book.
Students should have proper schedule for revising error book and NEET notes regularly. Notes have to revised at least 6 times. Read NCERT textbook regularly is a must.

Level 6: full syllabus mock tests and PYQS

After completion of syllabus, students should solve at least 20 full syllabus mock exam and 12 previous year question paper to thoroughly prepare yourself for such challenging exam.

One must revise their NEET notes and error book for at least 6 times before final showdown.

 Preparing for this exam is daunting task but one must not neglect physical and mental health. Prioritize your health and relax. Declutter our thoughts and focus on the process of learning, success will follow.

Always remember, you will reach where you are needed.


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